Johnny ate a weed brownie before the show. I think our set felt kind of dry that night, understandable considering how many shows we'd played at this point. Then out of nowhere johnny took off all his clothes and starting running around the room naked with the sax. We were all laughing trying to keep playing. Pretty incredible moment and nobody took any photos. Everyone just seemed kind of stunned.
handsome daughter
M & M Meats
We got to stay at this old co-op house. It has been a co-op since the 1970's. It was an old english mansion that was built for some super rich mining or oil baron. They were even old servant quarters in the basement. It was on the edge of a swampy river and there must have been 10+ people living there. It had a killer workout room that we did a photoshoot in. There was one guy who lived there who was filming us and interviewing us for his youtube channel the entire time. Apparently he is just always filming haha.
the crew
lime rikki!!!